Monday, February 28, 2011

Sinking, Floating, and All things in between!

The maiden voyages of the S.S. Titanic, S.S. Awesome, S.S. JEBMCBP, and the S.S. Caution Crazies were a huge success, well for the most part. We used pennies as passengers to see how many passengers would survive on our lifeboats. Our lifeboats held several passengers before they sunk! I was proud of how well our experiment turned out. I hope you enjoy the pictures!

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Interactive Cell Website

Visit this site for a cool tour of a plant and animal cell. This site might be helpful in identifying the functions of each organelle in these cells.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Week 1 Continued......

He can't help but smile!

Nikolas has an idea!

Busy, Busy!!

Sweet, sweet Kascy!

Skyler has an important thought!

Baleigh is working hard!

Tyler is taking his baseline test!!

My little thinker is hard at work!!

Week 1 continued......

Caroline.......Oops, I meant Bri is really concentrating!!

And Bri wants to know why I won't let her sit by Katie.

Sarah shocked by the camera in her face.

Logan is trying to get everything in order.

It's killing Malcolm not to "cheese" for the camera.

Week 1 continued.....

Cassidy working on her baseline test!!

I'm so lucky to have Lucky!

My sweet, sweet Ben!

Abby is working on getting her pencils ready for all of the work we're going to do.

Week 1 SUCCESSFUL!!! Let the learning begin!!

Checking out our new homework planners!!!
Elizabeth wondering how she's going to put up with all these boys.

Sweet Miranda

Sarah's getting everything organized!

AMSTI is going to be so fun!